- 英式音标 [ˈɡəʊ.kɑːt]
- 美式音标 [ˈɡoʊ.kɑːrt]
- 英式发音
- 美式发音
- n.游戏用的无车体小型汽车;其商标名
- A North Collins student has died following a go kart accident near his home.
通过案例分析,引导公务员从理论与实践的结合上提高素质、增强本领。 - The go kart was expected to be finished in three weeks, but police said Make-A-Wish never heard back from Riesberg.
心理咨询师在咨询关系建立之前,必须让求助者了解心理咨询工作的性质、特点、这一工作可能的局限以及求助者自身的权利和义务。 - Dunkeswell go kart Racing Club, in association with the Mansell Raceway circuit, has been selected as the Southwest venue for this exciting initiative.
四是最佳汤类,鸡汤最优,特别是母鸡汤还有防治感冒。 - The Children's Furniture Company has teamed up with the Beano to produce a limited edition run of replicas of Dennis the Menace's go kart.
健康网全力打造的一个一流的专业的健康服务平台,每天为成千上万的消费者提供安全、方便、快捷、优质的服务,并给广大网上购物者带来极大的实惠。 - Donhauser made a splash more recently by doubling the size of their fun factor with an indoor go kart track in another one of the old Traeger family warehouses on Bowie Street.