- 马克
- On the very brink of the breach, De la Marck -- for it was himself -- succeeded in effecting a momentary stand, and repelling some of the most forward of the pursuers.
这时克劳福德正好拽着巴拉弗雷匆匆忙忙地走到了在座的人们中间。那羞怯发窘的老兵像一只被套住的猎犬似的勉强跟在他后面。 - "I will absolve her of it presently," said De la Marck, "for here, with one stroke of a cleaver, will I consecrate myself Bishop of Liege, and I trust one living bishop is worth three dead kings.
当行会主席巴维翁的大名在这狂嚣的聚会上被通报上去时,他竭力装出一副权威和影响都使他有权和他们平起平坐的要人气派。 - Crevecoeur showed a boar's hide, such as De la Marck usually wore;
你是个绅士,请护送我回到我父亲那儿。 - Liege!Sanglier!Sanglier!(the Wild Boar: a name given to William de la Marck)" shouted by the assailants, while the feebler cry of "Our Lady for the Prince Bishop!"
他跟他走过花园,打算一方面遵照他的指引,一方面准备一旦发现他有捣鬼的迹象,便戳穿他的胸膛,或砍掉他的脑袋。 - "Why, yes," answered the King, "thanks to our secret supplies of money, De la Marck hath together a handsome handful of as unscrupulous soldiery as ever were outlawed;