- And the nation state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty’s best incubator.
民族國家似乎是自由的最佳孵化器,雖然他非常清楚它的狹隘和排外的侷限。 - One of the last pieces that Michelet wrote before the attack was titled “When It All Becomes Personal” and described her concern about the xenophobic society her first child would be born into.
米什賴特在恐怖襲擊之前的最後一篇文章名爲“如果一切都成爲私人恩怨”,她在文中描述了她對仇外情緒的擔心,因爲她的孩子會在這樣的社會中成長。 - This and the xenophobic rhetoric of many officials have given a sense of legitimacy to the ultra-nationalists, Ms Kozhevnikova argues.
科澤尼科瓦女士認爲,這樣的擧動和一些官員恐外的脩辤都給了極耑民族主義者郃法性的意識。 - Chinese officials appeared to condone the xenophobic outcry triggered by Western criticism of the clampdown.
ECONOMIST: Tibet - But don't put too much of the blame on headline-grabbing politicos or xenophobic-minded protectionists.
FORBES: Magazine Article - The conservatives vehemently resist any major shift from the xenophobic outlook of the revolutionary years.
ECONOMIST: Iran’s economy 返回 xenophobic