- abuse 〔accept, acknowledge, repay〕 sb's kindness 辜負〔接受,感謝,報答〕某人的好意
- forced kindness 虛情假意
- small kindness 小忙
- loving kindness 慈愛
- simple 〔thoughtful, true〕 kindness 樸實〔躰貼入微,真實〕的情意
- by 〔through〕 kindness 因善良而…
- out of kindness 出於好意
- with 〔out〕 kindness 友善〔不友善〕
- kindness to 對…的友善
- great kindness 盛情;非常濃厚的情意;深厚的情誼;至德
- encouraging kindness 勸善
- Showing Kindness 顯出恩慈
- sea kindness 航行時較舒適
- Kindness II 恩慈二組
- Kindness Counts 善良的重要性
- brotherly kindness 手足親情
- common kindness 共同善
- My kindness 我很善良
- kindness of 敬請轉交[信封用語]
- milk of human kindness 人情;惻隱之心 返回 kindness