- Helmand alone accounted for over 40% of production.
单是赫尔曼德一省就负担了超过40%25的鸦片产量。 - Poverty, warlordism and rebels have made Helmand the great opium den of the world.
贫穷、军阀统治以及叛乱已使赫尔曼德省成了世界上的鸦片大窝。 - Matters have not been helped by the political upheaval in Helmand, which has seen three governors in a year.
赫尔曼德省一年换了3个省长,政治剧变并没对形势有所助益。 - British and Canadian forces in Helmand and Kandahar provinces respectively have been hard-pressed since 2006.
最重要的是,在阿富汗南方增强北约军队犹豫不决的军事努力。 - Camels cast shadows across the Qala-e-Bost arch in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province.
在阿富汗赫尔曼德省南部,骆驼的影子投射在卡拉-伊-鲍斯特拱门上。 - British forces said they killed Mullah Mansur and other Taliban leaders in the Helmand province.
此举被视为是奥巴马政府新政的一部分,旨在与伊朗政府举行对话。 返回 Helmand